Choosing Houston teeth in an hour means saying goodbye to removable dentures forever and all the associated embarrassment and discomfort. With Houston teeth in an hour you will no longer need to hide your smile, repeat yourself due to speech impediment, or avoid your favorite foods. All on Four dental implants provide immediate relief along with pride in your smile, the restoration of eating function and in most patients, a general renewed self-confidence that may have been dampened by years of denture-wearing or unpleasant-looking natural teeth.
Thanks to incredible advancements in medical technology and tooth replacement protocol, in most cases, minimal incisions and sutures are needed for the placement of All on Four dental implants. As a result, post-operative pain, discomfort and recovery time are greatly reduced and patients can have the entire procedure completed in a single one-hour appointment. In fact, many patients return to work with a new set of teeth the very next day and are tucking into their favorite meals with confidence a few days later. Your sense of taste will be fully restored along with your self-assurance.
Houston Teeth in an Hour Explained
Almost three decades ago, the concept of All on Four dental implants was developed by European implantologist Paulo Malo as a permanent solution for patients with multiple missing or damaged teeth. Remarkably, this alternative to traditional methods of dental implants allows patients to replace all of their teeth with the use of just four implants in a single session.
Conditions Houston Teeth in an Hour Can Treat
Houston teeth in an hour using All on Four dental implants is an optimal solution for patients who are suffering from the following:
• Rampant tooth loss as a result of gum disease
• Edentulism (not having any original adult teeth left)
• Traditional tooth replacement techniques, such as dental bridges or removable full or partial dentures
• Failing dental implants previously inserted using traditional techniques
Houston Teeth in an Hour: A Final Note
Houston teeth in an hour – thanks to revolutionary All on Four dental implants - are bringing the possibility of a fresh start to the tens of thousands of people in the United States that are missing multiple teeth. The results speak very much for themselves: Houston teeth in an hour are aesthetic, functional and promote both your short and long term oral health.