This article describes how the ‘All-on-4’ dental implant protocol is capable of bypassing one of the biggest problems facing traditional implant techniques: the need for bone grafting surgery.
Since the technology’s conception in the early 1990’s, All on Four implants in Houston have gone on to revolutionize the fields of dental implantology and fixed oral rehabilitation. Not only does this innovation enable skilled and experienced dentists to replace a patient’s entire set of old and failing teeth in as little as a single day, with a single surgery, but it also does so at a much reduced cost. With none of the challenges and repeated expenses associated with removable dentures or false teeth, All on Four implants in Houston are really the 21st century solution to rampant tooth loss and edentulism (not having any of your original adult teeth left). It is at this juncture that countless patients ask to see the fine print. After all, the ability to get new, permanent and non-removable teeth in a day does seem to be quite a stretch of the imagination! However, there is nothing fictitious about the results attained by All on Four implants in Houston… and here is how this incredible protocol works:
All on Four Implants in Houston: The Importance of Good Jaw Bone Health
Before All on Four implants in Houston, a main determinant of candidacy for traditional dental implant protocol was jaw bone health. Unfortunately, patients who have long lost most or all of their teeth to periodontal (gum) disease, also present with a reduction of bone tissue volume in the jaw. You see, bone needs ‘exercise’ just like any muscle in the body. The roots of your teeth, while serving to provide a strong and stable anchor for the crowns, also provide an essential source of stimulation to the jaw bone through the natural forces and pressures associated with grinding and biting. When this stimulation is lost, the bone tissue begins to atrophy and waste away. The subsequent steady loss of bone volume in the jaw over the years not only results in substantial changes to the natural and youthful appearance of the face, mouth and jaw, but it can also make the placement of dental implants too complicated for a surgeon to consider it a viable option.
All on Four Implants in Houston: Bypassing the Need for Bone Grafting
It was a huge irony that the patients that most needed dental implants were unable to get them due to the deteriorated state of their jaw bone health. The solution to this problem is bone grafting; a lengthy, painful and expensive procedure that augments and encourages the growth of new and healthy bone tissue in the jaw. However, with a healing period of up to a year and even more, the need for bone grafting can become a serious obstacle in a patient’s journey to complete oral rehabilitation. It is for this reason (amongst others) that the innovation of All on Four implants in Houston came as such a revelation. Owing to the precise placement and angulation of only four dental implants, a fully customized prosthetic dental bridge is able to be immediately affixed in the mouth. In other words, the protocol used to place the All on Four implants in Houston almost always avoids the need for bone grafting surgery beforehand.
As a result, All on Four implants in Houston can be placed by a skilled and experienced dentist in as little as a single day, enabling patients to enjoy the immediate benefits of a full set of beautiful, fully-functional and natural-looking teeth!