Sunday, July 24, 2011

All on Four Implants in Houston: Overcoming Traditional Implant Challenges

This article describes how the ‘All-on-4’ dental implant protocol is capable of bypassing one of the biggest problems facing traditional implant techniques: the need for bone grafting surgery.

All on Four implants Houston

Since the technology’s conception in the early 1990’s, All on Four implants in Houston have gone on to revolutionize the fields of dental implantology and fixed oral rehabilitation. Not only does this innovation enable skilled and experienced dentists to replace a patient’s entire set of old and failing teeth in as little as a single day, with a single surgery, but it also does so at a much reduced cost. With none of the challenges and repeated expenses associated with removable dentures or false teeth, All on Four implants in Houston are really the 21st century solution to rampant tooth loss and edentulism (not having any of your original adult teeth left). It is at this juncture that countless patients ask to see the fine print. After all, the ability to get new, permanent and non-removable teeth in a day does seem to be quite a stretch of the imagination! However, there is nothing fictitious about the results attained by All on Four implants in Houston… and here is how this incredible protocol works:

All on Four Implants in Houston: The Importance of Good Jaw Bone Health

All on Four implants HoustonBefore All on Four implants in Houston, a main determinant of candidacy for traditional dental implant protocol was jaw bone health. Unfortunately, patients who have long lost most or all of their teeth to periodontal (gum) disease, also present with a reduction of bone tissue volume in the jaw. You see, bone needs ‘exercise’ just like any muscle in the body. The roots of your teeth, while serving to provide a strong and stable anchor for the crowns, also provide an essential source of stimulation to the jaw bone through the natural forces and pressures associated with grinding and biting. When this stimulation is lost, the bone tissue begins to atrophy and waste away. The subsequent steady loss of bone volume in the jaw over the years not only results in substantial changes to the natural and youthful appearance of the face, mouth and jaw, but it can also make the placement of dental implants too complicated for a surgeon to consider it a viable option.

All on Four Implants in Houston: Bypassing the Need for Bone Grafting

It was a huge irony that the patients that most needed dental implants were unable to get them due to the deteriorated state of their jaw bone health. The solution to this problem is bone grafting; a lengthy, painful and expensive procedure that augments and encourages the growth of new and healthy bone tissue in the jaw. However, with a healing period of up to a year and even more, the need for bone grafting can become a serious obstacle in a patient’s journey to complete oral rehabilitation. It is for this reason (amongst others) that the innovation of All on Four implants in Houston came as such a revelation. Owing to the precise placement and angulation of only four dental implants, a fully customized prosthetic dental bridge is able to be immediately affixed in the mouth. In other words, the protocol used to place the All on Four implants in Houston almost always avoids the need for bone grafting surgery beforehand.

All on Four

As a result, All on Four implants in Houston can be placed by a skilled and experienced dentist in as little as a single day, enabling patients to enjoy the immediate benefits of a full set of beautiful, fully-functional and natural-looking teeth!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Man Behind the Success of All on Four Dental Implants

This article provides a brief overview of the life, education and success of Dr. Paulo Malo as the innovator of the ‘All-on-Four’ dental implant protocol.

All on Four Dental Implants: An Introduction

Dr. Paulo Malo is a world famous implantologist whose name resonates powerfully throughout the fields of dental implantology and fixed oral rehabilitation; and the reason for his international acclaim? He is the pioneer of ‘All on Four dental implants’; the implant protocol that has largely revolutionized the way modern dentists approach the treatment of tooth loss and edentulism (not having any original adult teeth left). Since his days of clinical work and medical research, Dr. Paulo Malo has branched out immensely and is now a leading educator in the field of implantology and the revolutionary ‘All on Four’ technique.

All on Four Dental Implants: The Beginning

Dr. Paulo Malo was born in 1961 in Angola, South Central Africa. He embarked upon his tertiary education at the prestigious University of Cape Town, which lies at the very southernmost tip of the continent. His science degree enabled him to explore subjects from nuclear physics to marine biology, but it was a chance meeting with Dr. Christian Barnard - the first doctor to ever perform a successful heart transplant – that really altered his perspective. From that moment on, Dr. Paulo Malo knew he wanted to make an important contribution and his field of choice was medicine… in dental implantology, as he would later discover.

All on Four Dental Implants and Dr. Paulo Malo’s Education in Dental Science

Political turmoil in South Africa at the time of Dr. Paulo Malo’s tertiary education prompted his parents to send him to Portugal, where he was to complete his degree. Once in Lisbon, he made the decision to study at Lisbon University’s Faculty of Dental Medicine, from where he graduated in 1989. Four years later, this extraordinary man – together with a clinical research team and one of the world’s largest implant manufacturing companies, Nobel Biocare – innovated All on Four dental implants; a revolutionary technique for tooth replacement and one that was to change the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world!

All on Four Dental Implants: The Importance of the Discovery

The innovation of All-on-Four dental implants in 1993 was recognized as one of the most important advancements to have been made in dental implantology in recent decades. But this amount of success was, for Dr. Paulo Malo, only the beginning of a long and extremely successful career. Since the early 1990’s, Dr. Paulo Malo has co-authored numerous text books and scientific journal papers, while frequently being invited as a guest speaker to prestigious universities all over the world. This is not even to mention his dedication to training other dentists to master the placement of All on Four dental implants. Dr. Brueggen, founder of The Brueggen Dental Implant Center in Houston, Texas,, was one of the first to be mentored by Dr. Malo. It is clear from this man’s involvement in all aspects of his business that his interests are as complex and numerous as his strengths and it is this extraordinary gift that has ensured the incredible international success of Dr. Paulo Malo!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

All on 4 Dental Implants and the Benefits Afforded by this Breakthrough Procedure

This article explores the many benefits associated with the ‘All-on-4’ dental implant technique, including reduced costs and unprecedented treatment time.

All on 4 dental implants are one of the most significant innovations to have been made in dental science in recent decades. Hailed as a ‘breakthrough’ in the fields of dental implantology and fixed oral rehabilitation, the All-on-4 is bringing unprecedented solutions and benefits to thousands of edentulous and near-edentulous patients (those who have lost all or most of their original adult teeth). No longer do we need to consider removable dentures or false teeth as our fate when life-long indulgences, accident or disease, begin to take their toll on our pearly whites. The All on 4 dental implants protocol is the most sophisticated and advanced solution modern dental science has to offer those presenting with rampant tooth loss and edentulism.

About All on 4 Dental Implants: Unprecedented Treatment Time

The ‘All-on-4’ protocol essentially consists of the permanent attachment of a rigid prosthetic dental bridge in the mouth. This prosthetic structure has been carefully custom fabricated to function, feel and look like a real set of healthy teeth and gums. A patient who has been determined to be a candidate for All on 4 dental implants simply needs to arrive at the Implant Center in the morning, undergo a single surgery for complete oral rehabilitation and wake up in the afternoon with the entire procedure already complete! In other words, in just a few hours, patients are able to go from being toothless (and all the challenges, compromises and struggles that are associated with this state) to having a full set of beautiful, non-removable and immediately functional teeth! This unprecedented treatment time is what really sets the ‘All-on-4’ apart from traditional dental implant techniques.

About All on 4 Dental Implants: Cost-Effective Treatment for Tooth Loss and Edentulism

Apart from being able to get new and beautiful teeth in a single day, candidates for the ‘All-on-4’ protocol are also looking at much reduced costs. Traditional dental implant techniques frequently call for the use of 6, 8 and even more implants per jaw; especially in those that have lost all of their original adult teeth to decay and gum disease. When you consider that each dental implant has a price range in the quadruple digits, complete oral rehabilitation, which can require as many as 20 implants and multiple surgeries, works out to be quite a financial burden for the patient. All on 4 dental implants, as the name suggests, only requires four implants per jaw in order to completely restore smile aesthetics and bite functionality. In fact, the discrepancy in cost between the ‘All-on-4’ protocol and more traditional implant methods can work out to be more than $15,000.00!

All on 4 Dental Implants: Multi-Beneficial Protocol for Oral Rehabilitation

These two advantages offered by All on 4 dental implants are really the tip of the iceberg. Additionally:
  • The dental bridge used in the All on 4 Dental Implants protocol is permanently attached in the mouth and as such, it cannot shift around or fall out like removable dentures tend to.
  • The ‘All-on-4’ dental bridge is cleaned and looked after just like natural teeth.
  • It does not cause bad breath, trigger the gag reflex or impede taste ability.
  • The All on 4 dental implants and bridge are carefully fabricated to perfectly fit the natural contours of the patient’s mouth. As a result, it feels completely natural and doesn’t sit like a foreign object in your mouth.
  • All on 4 dental implants promote long term oral health by preventing atrophy of the jaw bone. In doing so, a patient’s natural, youthful facial contours are preserved.
  • Enables patients to eat all the foods they love, but previously couldn’t with missing teeth or removable dentures.

If you want your beautiful smile back and all the confidence that comes with having natural and healthy-looking teeth, All on 4 dental implants are the way to go!

Friday, July 8, 2011

All on Four Implants in Houston, Texas: Innovative Technique for Complete Oral Rehabilitation, PART 1

This article, part 1 of 2, explores the key differences between the ‘All-on-4’ dental implant protocol and removable dentures as techniques for tooth replacement.

All on Four Implants in Houston have been restoring the smiles of people with poor, broken or missing teeth for almost 20 years. Utilizing the All-on-4 Procedure, you are almost always able to leave the dental office with a renewed sense of confidence in your ability to smile, eat properly and speak without compromise... and all in just one day.

All on Four Implants in Houston: Minimal Discomfort

Many patients describe the healing process as almost painless and once that is complete there is no pain and discomfort associated with All on Four implants in Houston because it provides a permanent, fixed solution to traditional dentures. Removable dentures cause pain in the mouth in two ways. First, when you start wearing dentures, you tend to experience soreness in the jaw while your mouth adjusts to the prosthesis. Additionally, because bone loss in the jaw is left to occur unimpeded, dentures eventually become loose and rub on the gums. This causes sore spots, ulcers and inflammation to develop, resulting in even more pain and the need for additional expenses such as refitting, messy adhesives and anesthetic gels.

Not only is the All-on-4 prosthetic dental bridge put permanently in place, without the possibility of slippage or the need for removal for cleaning, but since the teeth are supported by implants, they do not press on the gum tissue and do not create any of the traditional discomfort associated with dentures.

All on Four Implants in Houston: A Permanent Solution

A denture must be removed every night for proper cleaning. Since a denture is not fixed in place, it can slip and shift around during eating or speaking or even fall out of the mouth entirely! As a result, denture wearers often refrain from smiling or even laughing. With All on Four Implants in Houston, you are able to leave the office with a new set of teeth firmly in place and you can eat, drink, talk and laugh with confidence; just as though you had your own natural teeth back.

All on Four Implants in Houston: Ease of Care

All on Four Implants in Houston provide you with new, natural-looking and immediately functioning teeth that are rigidly connected to only four implants. The teeth are brushed and cleaned as you would your original natural teeth, without the need for removal. In fact, the All-on-4 prosthetic dental bridge is the closest thing possible to natural teeth in terms of aesthetics and function.

All on Four Implants in Houston: A Natural, Strong and Comfortable Bite

The All-on-4 allows you to bite and chew with a much greater force and comfort than with traditional removable dentures. Since teeth - not gums - are made for the tearing and grinding of food, All on Four Implants in Houston provides a strong foundation for natural eating. The jaw absorbs the impact instead of the soft tissue of the gum. Most patients can eat a light meal the very first day. With a little time you can eat all of the foods you enjoyed when you had a perfect set of natural teeth.

Stay Tuned…

Stay tuned for our next article installment to learn about even more advantages All on Four Implants in Houston offer over traditional dentures!