Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Implant Dentistry in Houston: Fluoride, Fluoride, Fluoride!

This article describes the importance of fluoride in the prevention of the various ailments and oral diseases that cause tooth loss and the subsequent need for dental implants.

Did you know that, according to professionals in implant dentistry in Houston that the cornerstone of sound oral health is Fluoride? Chances are you already have some idea of the importance of this element. Just about every brand of toothpaste and mouthwash advertises the phrase ‘contains Fluoride’. And then there are those treatments you would go for every six months as a child. Well, it is an established scientific fact by implant dentistry in Houston – and has been for over 50 years - that the element Fluoride is essential for sound oral health because of its effectiveness in the prevention of tooth decay; one of the leading causes of tooth loss. While the food we eat and the water we drink naturally contain Fluoride, implant dentistry in Houston, which is locked in a constant battle against tooth loss, stresses the importance of using this element to strengthen teeth against the onslaught of decay-causing bacteria.

Preventing the Need for Houston Dental Implants with Topical Fluoride Treatments

Implant Dentistry Houston
Topical Fluoride treatment is performed simply by applying it to the outer surface of the teeth (the enamel) through brushing with Fluoride toothpastes, gargling with mouthwashes and using gels. However, say professionals in implant dentistry in Houston, like most oral homecare regimes, it is not always effective at reaching those little nooks and crannies, of which our mouths are full of! For this reason, qualified and experienced dentists, such as Dr. Wayne Brueggen, advise that if you want to avoid needing Houston dental implants, you and especially your children should receive a professional topical Fluoride treatment every six months or so.

Preventing the Need for Houston Dental Implants with Systemic Fluoride Treatments

Systemic Fluoride treatment, explain professionals in implant dentistry in Houston, simply involves the ingestion of small amounts of Fluoride, which our bodies then naturally use to protect the teeth against bacteria. Generally, we get our source of Fluoride from the water we drink as well as certain foods; however, you can get mineral supplements in the form of drops or special gels which are taken in conjunction with a balanced diet. Remember, advise professionals in implant dentistry in Houston, it is important that you have these supplements and their doses prescribed to you by a dentist. Too much Fluoride can lead to the development of unsightly white spots on the teeth, which is the result of a condition referred to as ‘Fluorosis’.

A Final Note from Implant Dentistry in Houston

Houston Dental Implant
It always serves to bear in mind that while Fluoride is important in the protection of our teeth against bacteria and decay, it alone is simply not enough to prevent tooth loss and the need for Houston dental implants. Regular brushing and flossing are fundamental and can never be replaced by any kind of supplement, say professionals in implant dentistry in Houston. Furthermore, you should combine sound oral hygiene care with balanced meals, plenty of water and a diet that is low in sugar as well as seeking regular professional care from a qualified and experienced dentist.

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Smoking and its Effects on the Success of Houston Dental Implants

This article describes the detrimental effects tobacco-use has upon the successful healing of dental implants. This serves as a warning to patients having failing teeth replaced with this dental technology.

Dental Implants Houston

The ability of Houston dental implants to biologically fuse with bone tissue, a process termed ‘osseointegration’, has led to their incredible success as a tooth replacement solution. These ingenious dental devices get, directly from the jaw bone as is the case with your natural teeth, all the support they need to remain free-standing and perfectly functional for decades. Qualified and experienced implant dentist, Dr. Wayne Brueggen, has been placing Houston dental implants for many, many years. He has seen the full spectrum of patient cases, from those requiring only a single implant to those that don’t have a single original adult tooth left. Overall, Houston dental implants enjoy massive success in the restoration of smiles that were seemingly irreparable to the decay, damage and subsequent tooth loss they have sustained. But if there is one demon that substantially compromises this success, it is many of the 4,000 chemical compounds created by burning and smoking cigarettes.

Ensuring the Success of Houston Dental Implants

Houston Dental ImplantThe connection between tobacco use and your general health is well-researched and documented in medical literature. So, there is really no need for a verbal tirade about the hazards of smoking here. What would be more interesting is to learn of the results of a study that was conducted at the University of Murcia in Spain in 2007. In order to test the impacts of smoking on the success of Houston dental implants, 66 patients agreed to have their oral health documented over a five year period. During the study time, the patients had an accumulated total of 165 implants placed. The results were:

  • Smokers: 15.8% of the implants placed in smokers failed. This essentially means that Houston dental implants are 11 times more likely to fail if you are a smoker!
  • Non-smokers: 98.6% of the implants placed in non-smokers were a success! Only 1.4% failed and this was usually due to a lack of proper post-procedural care or the presence of advanced oral bacterial infection.

The results were astounding! Here, Dr. Wayne Brueggen explains the three things that influence the success of Houston dental implant procedures:

  1. Smokers are more likely to develop Houston Dental Implantsan infection subsequent to the placement of Houston dental implants. This may require the implant dentist to remove them in order to eliminate the bacterial infection.
  2. Smoking reduces the flow of blood to the hard tissue in the jaw (bone) and the soft tissues in the mouth. This compromises the ability of the Houston dental implant to heal properly. It is this reduced blood flow that increases a patient’s risk of developing an infection too.
  3. Smoking prolongs the healing time required for Houston dental implants. Subsequently, patients can more easily damage the young fusion between the titanium implant and the underlying jaw bone through simple actions such as eating and chewing.

Houston Dental Implants and Smoking: Your Take Home Message

If you are considering Houston dental implants as your tooth replacement option, you should first do what it takes to stop smoking: not only for your oral health but for your general health and wellness too.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

New Teeth with the All on Four in Houston: All of the Benefits, None of the Challenges

all-on-4 dental implants houston

This article describes what the All on Four dental implant protocol is and the many benefits and advantages it offers edentulous and near-edentulous patients.

The All on Four in Houston is a dental implant All on Four Houstonprotocol that provides a comprehensive and long-term solution for people that are either already edentulous (don’t have a single original adult tooth left) or are facing an immediate future of edentulism. According to the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, a massive 70% of people between the ages of 35 and 44 are missing at least one of their original adult teeth. So, if you are currently feeling insecure about your ‘gappy’ smile, you are not alone! Teeth can go missing for a whole host of reasons: tooth decay, periodontal (gum) disease, accidental trauma, a failed root canal, chronic illnesses (cancer and diabetes) and certain medications; even your genetic heritage can render you more susceptible to tooth loss. Whatever the reason you have experienced, the All on Four in Houston has, time and again, proven to provide excellent results in the long term restoration of oral aesthetics and bite functionality!

The All on Four in Houston: The Preferred Teeth Replacement Solution

There are a great number of teeth replacement techniques out there… the one you are probably most aware of thanks to their comical portrayal in cinema are removable dentures or false teeth. While these dental devices have proved to be useful – enabling their wearers to eat, speak and look as All on Fourclose to normal as possible given the circumstances - modern dental science has evolved to offer far more comprehensive and long-term solutions to tooth loss that come with none of the challenges and repeated expenses. The All on Four in Houston is a perfect example of how far the science of dentistry has come in the treatment of edentulous and near-edentulous patients. So, how does this tooth replacement protocol work?

The All on Four in Houston, as the name suggests, involves the affixing of a fully customized prosthetic dental bridge (a rigid structure with a full set of ceramic teeth that is fabricated to fit over the gums) to FOUR dental implants (see image above). Dental implants are exceptionally resilient and long-lasting titanium ‘tooth roots’ that act as anchors for a ceramic crown or, in the case of the All on Four in Houston, a non-removable bridge. Once healed, implants function and feel just like natural tooth roots, while keeping the underlying jaw bone healthy through the natural stimulation caused by chewing and grinding.

The Benefits of the All on Four in Houston

Because the prosthetic bridge is ‘anchored’ in the mouth with dental implants, the All on Four in Houston offers a whole host of benefits and advantages over traditional tooth replacement techniques:

  • They are fixed and non-removable so they do not shift around in the mouth and cannot fall out like false teeth tend to.

  • The bridge used in the All on Four in Houston protocol does not rely on the gums and underlying bone ridge for support, which is what causes inflammation, discomfort and the development of sores.

  • The All on Four in Houston promote good jaw bone health by preventing atrophy through the stimulation of the underlying bone tissue.

  • They provide a long-term solution that can last years and even decades if cared for properly.

  • The bridge used in the All on Four in Houston functions, feels and looks like a full set of natural healthy teeth, enabling you to enjoy your life with none of the challenges and repeated expenses associated with removable dentures.
  • Dr. Wayne Brueggen

The All on Four in Houston: The Choice of Implant Dentists

Qualified and experienced implant dentist, Dr. Wayne Brueggen, recommends the All on Four in Houston over removable dentures and older dental implant protocol time and again. Find out whether you are a candidate for this breakthrough tooth replacement technique today and you could be enjoying a much higher quality of life tomorrow.

houston all-on-4 dental implants

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

What All on 4 Implants in Houston can do For Denture Wearers!

all-on-4 dental implants houston

This article discusses the many benefits and advantages the “All-on-4” dental implant protocol offers compared with the traditional approach to edentulism: denture-wearing.

In the early 1990s, a technique for fixed oral rehabilitation was innovated by European implantologist Dr. Paulo Malo in collaboration with one of the world’s leading dental implant manufacturers, Nobel Biocare. Since its conception, the revolutionary technique referred to as ‘All on 4 implants’ in Houston has succeeded in drastically improving the lives of tens of thousands of patients all over the world and has given hope for a better future of oral health to the millions more who suffer from tooth loss as a result of advanced periodontal (gum) disease. In this article, we will be taking a look at what All on 4 implants in Houston can do for those that are either already edentulous (don’t have a single original adult tooth left) or are facing an immediate future of edentulism. We shall then take a look at the benefits of this dental implant protocol over and above the traditional and somewhat archaic approach to treating edentulism: removable dentures or ‘false teeth’.

What All on 4 Implants in Houston can do for You

Quite simply, All on 4 implants in HoustonAll on 4 Implants Houston provide a comprehensive, non-removable and long-term solution for patients suffering from tooth loss and edentulism, generally as a result of advanced periodontal (gum) disease. Even patients who have been told that they are not candidates for traditional dental implant techniques are able to get a full set of teeth that function, feel and look like natural healthy teeth. In some cases, All on 4 implants in Houston can be placed in as little as a single dental appointment of only a few hours! The protocol itself is far less expensive than traditional dental implant techniques and it gives patients beautiful, immediately functional teeth that can last a lifetime.

All on 4 Implants in Houston and ‘false teeth’: The Difference

The solutions provided by All on 4 implants in Houston far exceed any of those ever supplied by traditional teeth replacement techniques, such as removable full or partial dentures (false teeth). Essentially, you will receive a fully customized prosthetic dental bridge which is permanently attached to dental implants in your mouth.

As a result of this, the custom-designed prosthesis:

  • Does not apply pressure to or rub against the underlying gums, causing inflammation, discomfort and the development of sores.
  • All on 4 implants
  • Does not require removal at nighttime or after meals for cleaning; in fact, All on 4 implants in Houston are cared for just like natural teeth, sparing you the inconvenience and social discomfort associated with removable dentures.

  • Cannot fall out causing acute social embarrassment.

  • All on 4 implants in Houston provide aesthetic solutions that are virtually indistinguishable from natural healthy teeth.

  • Do not cause bad breath, impede your sense of taste or trigger the gag reflex.

  • Promotes good jaw bone health: When teeth fall out, the important stimulation the tooth roots provided the bone in the jaw with is also lost. As a result, this hard tissue atrophies. It is the loss of a significant amount of bone volume that gives edentulous people an aged and sunken appearance about the mouth (see image below). All on 4 implants in Houston function like tooth roots and so provide the jaw with the stimulation it needs to remain healthy; effectively preventing further bone loss.

All of the above-mentioned short-comings are associated with removable dentures and All on 4 implants in Houston successfully overcome all of them! Don’t waste time, money and your quality of life on inferior teeth replacement technology. Qualified and experienced implant dentist, Dr. Wayne Brueggen, recommends breakthrough All on 4 implants in Houston over all other technology and protocol, time and again.

houston all-on-4 dental implants

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