This article described 9 very good reasons why dentures are considered inferior to dental implants and why dental implants, in turn, offer a much better solution and healthier solution to missing teeth.
Have you lost all or most of your natural teeth to periodontal (gum) disease? Are you currently a denture-wearer or, like your mother and father before you, facing an immediate future of denture-wearing? Well… before you endure years of this archaic technology and before you make the mistake of having them fitted, consider the following very important facts about removable dentures. There are far more sophisticated solutions to tooth loss available today and they won’t necessarily break the bank either! All on 4 dental implants in Houston could secure your quality of life, protect your youthful facial contours and prevent you from ever needing to endure the terrible challenges caused by dentures…

1. All on 4 Dental Implants in Houston: Did You Know that wearing removable dentures accelerates the loss of bone tissue in the jaw?
With time, dentures become loose because as a direct result of this bone loss. In fact, it is entirely possible to wait for your jaw bone volume to disappear to a point where the success of any treatment – even All on 4 dental implants in Houston - is doubtful.
2. All on 4 Dental Implants in Houston: Did You Know that at the end of five years, only 40% of denture wearers are still wearing the same partial denture they were originally fitted with?
The other 60% have had to have their dentures refitted, either because their denture has broken or because jaw bone loss has compromised its fit. This is certainly not a great testimonial for the utility and value of dentures, is it? Consider the 40% to still have a functioning partial denture after five years lucky? Don’t… they too are losing valuable jaw bone volume.
3. All on 4 Dental Implants in Houston: Did You Know that of all the patients who wear a partial denture, a staggering 50% feel that they chew better without it?
As the jaw bone loses volume, it weakens, thus facilitating a lesser and lesser bite force. This really makes dentures more of a weak cosmetic solution to missing teeth rather than a functional one.
4. All on 4 Dental Implants in Houston: Did You Know that partial dentures utterly wreck your natural teeth?

One research study showed that 40% of the teeth used to support partial dentures had been completely ruined by fracture or decay after only eight years.
5. All on 4 Dental Implants in Houston: Did You Know that denture-wearing slowly but surely degrades your natural bite force?
A natural, healthy bite force is about 200 pounds of force per square inch. Denture wearers are typically only able bite down with 50 pounds of force. After 15 years of denture wearing, this decreases to a shocking 6 pounds of force. Considering this, it’s not hard to understand why so many elderly people suffer from malnutrition.
6. All on 4 Dental Implants in Houston: Did You Know that it is totally normal for the average denture to shift from side to side during conversation and eating?
This accounts for a significant number of patient complaints, but it’s just a problem new denture-wearers have to grow accustomed to.
7. All on 4 Dental Implants in Houston: Did You Know that denture-wearers suffer a decreased intake of nutrients?

Moreover, only 30% of denture-wearing patients can manage soft foods and nothing else. But, perhaps most shocking of all is the impact of “denture diets” on one’s life span… it can reduce yours by 10 years!
8. All on 4 Dental Implants in Houston: Did You Know that the rate of tooth implant success is an incredible 98%?
Furthermore, the natural teeth that lie adjacent to the implant are no more at risk than if you had never lost a tooth in the first place. This is in stark contrast to dental bridges, which require two healthy teeth on either side of the missing tooth to be filed down to nubs.
9. All on 4 Dental Implants in Houston: Did You Know that an implant-supported denture has a success rate of 95% over the duration of 10 years?
And this period of 10 years is marked by very little loss of supporting bone volume.
For all these reasons and more, All on 4 dental implants in Houston offer a much better and more sophisticated solution to edentulism and near-edentulism.