Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Teeth in an Hour in Houston: Science Fact or Fiction? PART 1

"This two-part article series explains how the “All-on-4” dental implant protocol makes it possible for dentists to give patients new teeth in as little as a single surgery of an hour only."

New teeth in an hour in Houston… yeah right! There’s got to be a catch in there somewhere! But believe it or not, this is how far dental science has come in its ability to treat edentulous (not having a single original adult tooth left) and near-edentulous patients. Modern dental implant protocol, namely the “All-on-4” technique, has made it possible for qualified and experienced implant dentists to give patients a brand new set of teeth in an hour in Houston. But how on Earth is this possible? And what is the catch?

Teeth in an hour Houston

This attitude is not difficult to understand when you consider that older surgical techniques for the placement of dental implants - with multiple surgeries and the need for bone grafting - frequently required patients to wait up to 18 months before they could smile with confidence. Not anymore, say implant dentists! In most cases, the “All-on-4” protocol is able to give patients that have long suffered the challenges of being edentulous or having to wear removable dentures new and beautiful teeth in an hour in Houston!

The “All-on-4” Protocol: New Teeth in an Hour in Houston

The “All-on-4” technique is a breakthrough in the treatment of edentulous and near-edentulous patients. And how it works is simple: through the careful placement and precise angulation of four dental implants in the posterior and anterior portion of the mouth (see image below), full support can be provided for a customized non-removable prosthetic dental bridge. The result is a full set of teeth that are immediately functional and virtually indistinguishable from natural healthy teeth. Alright, so this does sound fairly straight-forward, but new teeth in an hour in Houston? Surely a surgical procedure of this nature would take longer?

New Teeth in an Hour in Houston: How it Works

Teeth in an hour
Getting new and non-removable teeth in an hour in Houston all begins with your initial consultation with the implant dentist. During this appointment, your oral problems and medical history will be thoroughly discussed. Afterwards, a clinical examination of your teeth will be done and X-rays taken of your jaw to help the dentist visualize the extent of any damage done by periodontal disease (the most common cause of rampant tooth loss), as well as the amount of bone volume lost as a result of tooth loss gone untreated. If you have been determined to be a candidate for “All-on-4” dental implants – and most patients are – then a date will be set for your surgery during which you will receive your new teeth in an hour in Houston. Lastly, molds will be taken of your teeth to aid in the custom fabrication of the dental bridge.

On the day of the surgery, the dentist will have an intricate understanding of your oral problems and will have planned the procedure in great detail so that you are literally able to go in and out of surgery. Any old and failing teeth will be extracted and four dental implants placed per jaw. Once the surgery has been drawn to a close, the prosthodontist will come and affix the bridge to the abutments of the implants and there you have it: new, immediately functional and aesthetic teeth in an hour in Houston. But there’s more to the “All-on-4” protocol than a well-planned and executed surgery. The real secret behind the success of this technique and its ability to give patients new teeth in an hour in Houston is avoiding the need for bone grafting….

Teeth in an Hour in Houston: Stay Tuned

To find out more about the “All-on-4” protocol and how it makes it possible for patients to receive new teeth in an hour in Houston, stay tuned for the next installment of this article series.

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