Friday, July 5, 2013

All on 4 Dental Implants - Factors Affecting Its Success Rate

It is the responsibility of your chosen professional dental implants surgeon to have a counseling session with you and make you aware of the risks of failure and the success rate.

It is not difficult to come across numerous long term studies that indicate the success rate of the dental implants, and they can last for many years and often a lifetime if taken proper care of. The success rate of all on 4 dental implants is considerably high, around 90-95 percent of those whose implants are fixed to natural bone as against the lower success rate of about 80-85 percent for those patients who have had bone grafts before. Moreover, if you are concerned about the substance used in implants - the titanium is rarely ever discarded by the body and has never been found to have harmful effects on a patient, either.

All on 4 Dental Implants - Factors Affecting Its Success

Proper Maintenance Regime: Diligently maintaining careful oral hygiene during the period after having implants surgery, also for the rest of your life, will particularly guarantee success of your implants done from professional implant dentists. But, there are possibilities that the all on four implants can fail if they are not fitted in a correct manner thus resulting in an infection. Proper care has to be taken by the dentist while placing the implants into your jaw bone to avert any infection and an extremely painful condition that might result in pus emission from the area of the implant.

All on Four - No Dentures

Your Oral Health Condition: Dental implants also rely on your oral and general health; it demands that you already have a good general health, especially your oral health. Thus, it is unlikely that your implant surgeon will conduct the dental implant surgery on you if you have inadequate health. If you are a smoker, then you will be suggested to quit smoking if you want to undergo this surgery. Smoking results in implant failure two and half times more than those who do not smoke.

The All on 4 treatment can have a great success rate; but it is the responsibility of your chosen professional dental implants surgeon to have a counseling session with you and make you aware of the risks of failure and the success rates. This session will help you make up your mind whether you want to carry on with a dental implant procedure or not.

Professional dental implants surgeons are able to recommend a durable and reliable solution for your tooth loss. You certainly would not like to go with removable dentures that are too messy while you are eating and often they tend to slip, as well. Moreover, it also decreases your ability to actually chew food and as time passes, they tend to wear away and you may need to replace them. On the other hand, the bridges used in all on 4 dental implants can be long lasting and can be treated just like your regular set of teeth. This professionally invented process further takes advantage of your existing bone, even if scarce, thus, avoiding having to use bone grafts.

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