A great smile has the potential to break even the hardest rocks in the world. When it comes to judging a personality, smile is the trait that people look for. A beautiful smile makes a great first impression and it can add to your overall personality. However, most people, owing to age, disease or some unfortunate accident lose their precious teeth. People who lose their teeth start feeling conscious about how they look and this feeling forces them to miss out on the opportunities that life gifts us everyday. A lot of people who have lost their teeth shun their social life and start leading a life in seclusion that gives rise to various psychological disorders.
Until now, for people who have lost their teeth, dentures were the only solution. However, dentures are an extremely annoying, painful and troublesome alternative to missing teeth. First of all, dentures are ill fitting and they require a dental adhesive to keep them in place. Eating with the dentures can cause discomfort, especially when you have to chew hard food. In addition, cleaning of dentures require taking them off, which in itself is not a very pleasant sight. To overcome all these limitations, all on 4 dental implants offer the best solution to people who are looking for a solution for missing teeth.
Unlike dentures, all on 4 dental implants allow the patients to have a complete set of bright and shiny teeth which are permanently fixed. The best part about getting all on 4 dental implants is that unlike implant dentistry, you can get all your teeth in an hour. The groundbreaking technology, invented by Dr. Paulo Malo, requires only four implants for each jaw that actually provides full support to the jaw.
Here are some of the benefits of all on 4 dentures –
- The biggest benefit of all on 4 dental implants is that there are only 8 implants per jaw are required for complete oral restoration.
- The all on 4 implants are easy to get and through the procedure you can get teeth in one day.
- Unlike dentures, with all on 4 implants, you do not have to worry about taking teeth out and cleaning them. These implants are fixed permanently and can be cleaned just like your natural teeth.
- This is a minimally invasive surgery and does not cause any discomfort to the patient.
- Results derived after all on 4 dental implants procedure resemble natural teeth and cause no discomfort to the patient while talking or eating.
- The all on 4 dental implant technique is less costly when compared to dentures and other techniques of dental implants.
- Dental implants allow you to eat anything that you like, while they also enhance your personality by giving you a bright and vibrant smile.

If you have lost your teeth, you do not have to hide behind others or remain in the confines of your house. Dental implants give you aesthetically crafted and natural looking healthy teeth that enhance your overall personality and inspire you to do things that you are missing in a life without your teeth.