With old age or a periodontal disease comes the problem of failing and falling teeth. Lost or missing teeth impact the beauty of your smile while also causing problems in chewing or mastication. At the same time, remedy in the form of removable dentures is not a very practical solution. They feel loose in the mouth and do not blend well with the gums. There is a possibility of them falling out while eating or laughing and this is very embarrassing for the user. And this is why a permanent tooth replacement treatment procedure proves valuable.
A number of people have understood the benefits of all on four dental implants in Houston and are increasingly opting for the treatment. With this treatment dentists restore a complete row of lost teeth with only four titanium dental implants. Being a permanent tooth replacement procedure, this gives a set of natural looking white teeth that also function like healthy teeth.
How do titanium dental implants work like natural teeth?
Dental implants look like a little titanium screw that is placed inside the jawbone and it substitutes for the root of a lost tooth. It is capped with a porcelain or ceramic crown to make a very natural looking and functional replacement tooth. Dental implants are made of titanium because the metal has the ability to fuse well with the bone and become a part of it. The process is actually known as osseointegration in medical literature and thanks to this, titanium is used in many surgeries including hip replacement and back surgeries - just to name a few.
Getting the All on four in Houston makes it possible to replace a complete row of teeth with just 4 titanium dental implants. The new teeth get all the support they need with only 4 implants per row.
When dentists use four implants, two of them are placed on the front of the jaw at an angle of 90 degrees from it while the other two are fixed at the backside at a 45 degree angle. On fixing the permanent bridge to 4 implants, their angular placing secures all four together and they fuse well into the jawbone. Since only 4 implants are used as opposed to 6 or 8 in conventional techniques, the healing is faster and there is hardly any risk of implants getting dislocated. Longer implants can be used as they are placed at an angle. Bone grafting is usually not required for patients who opt for all on four teeth implants.
Advanced software and detailed diagnostic tests are used to ensure proper placement of implants. The treatment may seem costly but the long term benefits it offers far outweigh the cost.
Better dental hygiene is yet another factor that makes permanent dental implants superior to removable bridges or dentures. You will not have to use any ‘special cleaning agents’ or chemicals to preserve the whiteness and beauty of your strong, new teeth. Regular brushing after meals and flossing to remove fine food articles help in maintaining the cleanliness and beauty of all on four dental implants.
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